Monday, August 20, 2007

Please pray for Kaylee!

My sister Kaylee is 33 weeks pregnant and is having contractions. Her doctor wants her to make it to aleast 36 weeks and believes she will not go into early labor. We hope that that is how it happens but you just never know. Kaylee is doing fine just in pain when gets her contractions because they are lasting awhile. If Kaylee goes into labor within these next two weeks, she will have to be transfered to El Paso. We are praying that does not happen because her doctor will not be the one delivering (Taggert, (maybe the name!)). Please keep her and Connor in your prayers! Thanks!

Kaylee and Wyatt

Wyatt and Tripp


Julie said...

Oh what a blessing to hear from you! I miss you dearly. First off, I'm praying for Kaylee and her delivery. I know God will take care of her.
Now as for gosh..where has the time gone? Your little one is adorable! I can't wait to catch up. What are you up to these days? you look great! Love you always!

jaymie said...

yeah for your great blog! i love your fam! I will pray for need for any more preemies around here. Keep us posted. Hey, just the other day I was telling someone about us sharing a bunk for 2 weeks our last year at CDR!! What were we thinking! We DEFINATELY have to get together. We are too close to not see each other. I would love to see your mom too. We'll have to work on a day to meet up.

Julie said...

This is just like the reunion page of CDR from women's 6. haha...too funny.
As for anchorwoman..yes i've heard of it..and you'd be hard pressed to find any journalist who thinks it's a good idea. I read an article in the dallas morning news not too long ago about it, and it doesn't sound like the other stations in Tyler were thrilled either. The things some will do to get ratings, huh? Have you seen it? I hear she doesn't do all that much...but I'd like to see just what they're having her do. It kind of makes a joke out of news..and I hate that.
Anyway you have to post or sent the pic to me of all of us. I bet we were looking FLY! haha...
Tell your mom and all your fam I said hello. We need to all get together soon!

Jodi said...

Kenzie!! Yay, you found me! :) First of all, we are certainly praying for Kaylee and the child that has no name yet. I know God is going to do GREAT things for that sweet family, and through them. Secondly, your child is PRECIOUS and his room is so GREAT! Love it! I am so glad that motherhood is agreeing so well with you guys, and that you are fellow Horn Fans! Thirdly, can I just say that I couldn't believe it either when you and J-me shared a bunk that whole 2 weeks either. As your counselor (ha!), I should have smacked some sense into you. But all you girls were too nuts and I couldn't tame you! :) What great memories! Makes me think I need to go look up some old pics to post....

Love ya girl! Lookin' forward to keeping up with you!