Friday, January 25, 2008

Well, as you can tell I'm not the greatest blogger. I always get on every one's blog and get caught up reading and looking at all the pictures. By that time I don't have time to write. Wyatt is taking a nap so I have a little time to tell yall what has been going on. I'm just going to make a list. I not the best writer so bear with me!

First of all Blake and I are expecting again! Our little bundle of joy is due July 22ND. Everyone keeps telling me we need to make it one more day the 23rd because Tripp , Wyatt and Thatcher were all born on the 23rd of different months. We don't know the sex yet but do know the name. Boy or girl the name is going to be Walker. Kaylee and I were both adopted by our step father so Walker is now my maiden name. We have not yet agreed on the middle names! We will be excited boy or girl because we have decided to only have 2 children.

He started to crawl on December 6Th. Wyatt and I went to my parent's house that day to see my Memaw and Pappy. We were in my mom's room and Wyatt was playing on the floor and then started to crawl. My mom, Memaw, and Pappy started to clap and I know Wyatt thought we were crazy. Now he is going everywhere. When we were a Blake's mom house, Wyatt stated pulling himself up on all the furniture. By the time we left he had it down. It is so cute now to get him from his crib because he standing up waiting on you with a big smile! He is just so cute with those big brown eyes and long eyelashes. Soon he will be walking and running!

A couple of weeks ago my mom, Wyatt and I went to New Mexico to take Christmas Kaylee, Connor, Tripp and Thatcher. Even though it was a fast trip we had a great time. Wyatt did excellent on the ride there and back. He is just a happy baby and so never cries unless he is hungry or teething. He smiles none stop and people just have to stop and ask us if he is always this happy.

Wyatt had a wonderful first Christmas. We had Christmas with my family the weekend before Christmas. Then we headed to Blake's family in his home town of Ballinger. We were able to stay for a week so his family got allot of time with Wyatt. Blake's mom and both sets of his grandparents live there so we split our time with everyone. They all did way to much for Wyatt and we are so thankful. When we left the entire truck bed was loaded full with no more room! Thank you again everyone!

My cousin Justin got married on November 2ND in my parents back yard. It was so pretty and lots of fun. Kaylee and the family and their friend were able to come. They all stayed with us and our house was full but so much fun. It was my first time to hold Thatcher and he is so precious. Tripp was walking and running everywhere. Wyatt just couldn't stand not to be running around with him.

That is about all that has been going on. I have lots of pictures to post and hope they download fast. Sometimes the Internet is fast but sometimes it wont let me add pics so if they are not there sorry!


Allison said...

I cant believe you updated!! CONGRATULATIONS on baby number 2! Walker will be such a wonderful addition to your sweet family! I hope you are feeling well and getting good rest. Wouldn't that be crazy if he/she was really born on the 23rd??

Congrats again, and I hope you'll be updating more. I love to hear whats going on with you guys!

Jodi said...

Glad to have you back, and congrats on the big news!!! :)

jaymie said...

yeah for an update! yeah for baby #2! Yeah for cute name Walker! Yeah for pictures to come!!!!